Tilden Park Winter 2015


Hello World, It has been a dreadfully long time since I’ve posted anything on this blog. I won’t bore you with the details of why, or what’s been going on, but I plan to make an effort to add a few posts soon, to exercise my words and as a way to organize a few photographs.

I’d like to start with a simple selection of Tilden Park Jewel Lake Loop pictures – my old standby photography destination. I have not been there too much lately; perhaps you’ve heard that the drought continues in Northern California, and in addition to not much water it’s been warm too. I wore a sweater once this entire winter. Without water and its associated effects in both flora and cloudless days my inspiration to go out remains low, and as always I’m busy.

Tilden Park is in an odd state: plants seem to be falling down everywhere. Also, what few winter storms we’ve had have blown down a few trees. As I understand it, both are circumstances of stressed plants and root systems that are losing their strength to stand firm. What you are left with is a strange world of nests of limbs and twigs laying on top of each other. I discovered the Jewel Lake Loop soon after my son was born, when we took him there to see Little Farm and its small collection of animals, and stumbled onto the Loop. In all those years I’ve never seen it look like this.
My son is studying the Iditarod race in Alaska and thanks to the weather all along the West Coast of North America most the entire race has been rerouted. There’s very little snow in our nation’s largest state. Perhaps the race should move to Buffalo.
I may have a few more Tilden Park posts, but the core of my recent photographic efforts has been Point Reyes, which I plan to start showing you soon. And perhaps in my next post I’ll show you a picture of the Peregrine Falcon that has moved in next door.